
Diploma in Criminology – Level 3

Course Overview

The Level 3 Diploma in Criminology offers a comprehensive understanding of the principles and practices within the field of criminology. This diploma programme is designed to equip students with the necessary knowledge and skills to analyse, evaluate, and critically engage with various aspects of crime, criminal behaviour, and the criminal justice system. Through a combination of theoretical study and practical application, students will explore the social, psychological, and legal dimensions of crime and its impact on society.



Alongside the main programme of study, students will also complete a mentoring qualification which will enhance skills in a work based setting. In addition, an extended project will also be completed where students will be able to study an area of personal interest.


Within the diploma in criminology learners will study four units:

  • Changing Awareness of Crime – this will demonstrate understanding of the different types of crime, influences on perceptions of crime and why some crimes are unreported. 
  • Criminological Theories – this unit will allow learners to gain an understanding of why people commit crime, drawing on the criminological, sociological and psychological perspectives. 
  • Crime Scene to Courtroom – this unit will provide an understanding of the criminal justice system from the moment a crime has been identified to the verdict. Learners will examine a range of real life case studies and evaluate the effectiveness of personnel involved.
  • Crime and Punishment – learners will apply their understanding of the awareness of criminality, criminological theories and the process of bringing an accused to court. Learners will also develop their knowledge of the agencies that make up our CJS.

Trips and visits, as well as guest speakers will be used in the teaching of these modules to support understanding of the subject area.


You will need five GCSEs at Grade A-C (9-4), including maths and English.

GCSE D (3) or above in science.

There are two externally set exams and two externally set assignments for criminology.

The extended project is achieved through the production of a portfolio.

Learners benefit from a wide range of enrichment activities including visits from guest speakers within the industry, allowing learners to receive first-hand advice of working within the Criminal Justice System. Guest speakers include Forensic Psychologists, Prison Officers, Police, Judges, Magistrates and much more.

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